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Carnegie Embryo #9325 | Location: 9-4-3
Keywords: C-2 / C-3 intervertebral disc, C-3 spinal ganglion, C-3 spinal nerve, C-4 spinal ganglion, abducens nerve (CN VI), basi-occipital (basal plate), basilar artery, caudal edge of cochlear duct, centrum of C-2 vertebra (axis), centrum of C-3 vertebra, dorsal thalamus, edge of neurohypophysis, hypothalamus, inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), internal carotid artery, motor root of trigeminal nerve (CN V), neural arch of C-3 vertebra, notochord, posterior communicating artery, semispinalis capitis muscle, semispinalis cervicis muscle, stapedial artery, stapes condensation, subarachnoid space, ventral thalamus, vertebral artery, zona limitans intrathalamica
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.