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Carnegie Embryo #9226 | Location: 115-01-01
Keywords: T-4 / T-5 interganglion region, anterior interventricular sulcus, aortic semilunar valve, azygos vein, caudal edge of scapula, edge of distal phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger), external intercostal muscle(s), horizontal fissure, interatrial septum, internal intercostal muscle(s), left atrium, left coronary artery, lower lobe of left lung, lower lobe of right lung, middle lobe of right lung, oblique fissure, rib 4 (costal cartilage), rib 5, serratus anterior muscle, sinus venarum, superior lingular segmental bronchus of left lung, upper lobe of left lung, upper lobe of right lung
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.