HTML Example of DVD Outline

  1. Chapter 20 – 6 Weeks: Motion and Sensation
    1. Motion 1
      1. The embryo begins to make spontaneous and reflexive movements 1
      2. Such movement is necessary to promote normal neuromuscular development 1
    2. Sensation 2
      1. A touch to the mouth area causes the embryo to reflexively withdraw its head 2
  2. Chapter 26 – 7 Weeks: Hiccups and Startle Response
    1. Leg movements can now be seen, along with a startle response. 3
  3. Chapter 32 – Rolling Over
    1. Rolling Over 4
      1. Pediatric textbooks describe the ability to "roll over" as appearing 10 to 20 weeks after birth 4
      2. This impressive coordination is displayed much earlier in the low gravity environment of the fluid-filled amniotic sac 4
      3. Only the lack of strength required to overcome the higher gravitational force outside the uterus prevents newborns from rolling over 4
    2. The embryo is becoming more physically active during this time
    3. Motions may be:
      1. Slow or rapid
      2. Single or repetitive
      3. Spontaneous or reflexive
    4. Head rotation, neck extension, and hand-to-face contact occur more often 5
    5. Touching the embryo elicits: 6
      1. Squinting 6
      2. Jaw movement 6
      3. Toe pointing 6
  4. Chapter 37 – 9 Weeks: Swallows, Sighs, and Stretches
    1. Swallows 7
      1. By 9 weeks, thumb sucking begins 7
      2. By 9 weeks, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid 7
    2. Sighs and Stretches 8
      1. The fetus can: 8
        1. Grasp an object 8
        2. Move the head forward and back 8
        3. Open and close the jaw 8
        4. Move the tongue 8
        5. Sigh 8
        6. Stretch 8
      2. "In response to a light touch on the sole of the foot," the fetus will bend the hip and knee and may curl the toes 9
  5. Chapter 38 – 10 Weeks: Rolls Eyes and Yawns, Fingernails & Fingerprints
    1. Rolls Eyes 10
      1. By 10 weeks, stimulation of the upper eyelid causes a downward rolling of the eye 10
    2. Yawns 11
      1. The fetus yawns and often opens and closes the mouth 11
    3. Most fetuses suck the right thumb 12
  6. Chapter 40 – 3 to 4 Months (12 to 16 Weeks): Taste Buds, Jaw Motion, Rooting Reflex, Quickening
    1. Rooting reflex 13
      1. In contrast to the withdrawal response seen earlier, stimulation near the mouth now evokes a turning toward the stimulus and an opening of the mouth 13
      2. Persists after birth, helping the newborn find his or her mother 13
    2. Quickening 14
      1. Definition: Quickening is the first fetal movement felt or perceived by a pregnant woman. 14
      2. Movement begins in the 6-week embryo 14
      3. A pregnant woman first senses fetal movement between 14 and 18 weeks after fertilization. 14
  7. Chapter 43 – 6 to 7 Months (24 to 28 Weeks): Blink-Startle; Pupils Respond to Light; Smell and Taste
    1. Somersaults 15
      1. Through a series of step-like leg motions similar to walking, the fetus performs somersaults 15


1Birnholz et al., 1978; Hogg, 1941; Sorokin and Dierker, 1982; O’Rahilly and Müller, 1999a; Natsuyama, 1991; Visser et al., 1992; Kurjak and Chervenak, 1994; Humphrey and Hooker, 1961; Humphrey and Hooker, 1959; Humphrey, 1970; Humphrey, 1964; de Vries et al., 1982.

2Goodlin, 1979.

3de Vries et al., 1988; Visser et al., 1992.

4Bates, 1987; Liley, 1972; Humphrey, 1970; Goodlin and Lowe, 1974; de Vries et al., 1982.

5de Vries et al., 1982.

6Humphrey, 1964; Humphrey, 1970.

7Liley, 1986; Liley, 1972; Petrikovsky et al., 1995; de Vries et al., 1982; Campbell, 2004.

8Robinson and Tizard, 1966; de Vries et al., 1982; de Vries et al., 1982; Valman and Pearson, 1980.

9Robinson and Tizard, 1966; Valman and Pearson, 1980.

10Goodlin, 1979; Humphrey, 1964.

11de Vries et al., 1982.

12Hepper et al., 1991.

13Mancia, 1981; Bates, 1979.

14Sorokin and Dierker, 1982; Timor-Tritsch et al., 1976; Spraycar, 1995; Leader, 1995.

15Liley, 1972.


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