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The Endowment for Human Development
The Endowment for Human Development
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From The Biology of Prenatal Development.Buy Now

Script: 46 kromozomên zigotê çaya yekemîna temammîya genetic blueprinta bêhempe ya sexsê teze temsîl dike. Ev palan serekî hindura tightly coiled molecules DNA tê gotin. Ewana hîndekarîyên nû jibo pêsketina hemi bedenê muhtewa dikin.

Molekulên DNA disibe derenceya (sêlim)badayî ku wekî double helix tê nas kirin. Pêlingên derenceyê ji molekulên cotî, yan jî bingehîn ku guanine, osine, cytadenine û thymine tên gotin, hatine ava kirin.

Guanine pair tenê bi cytosine re, û adenine bi thymine re.

All ages referenced to fertilization, not last menstrual period.
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Firm Hand Grasp
Firm Hand Grasp
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Ready for Birth
To the Earth and Back
To the Earth and Back
Fertilization 1
Fertilization 1
Fertilization 2
Fertilization 2
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