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The Endowment for Human Development
The Endowment for Human Development
Improving lifelong health one pregnancy at a time.
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Main Stem Bronchi

9 weeks

From The Biology of Prenatal Development.Buy Now

Script: 9 TÝŽDŇOV

V dýchacom systéme sú už vytvorené pravá a ľavá kmeňová prieduška, a tie nakoniec spoja priedušnicu s pľúcami.

All ages referenced to fertilization, not last menstrual period.
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4D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
The Fetal Period
The Fetal Period
Main Stem Bronchi
Main Stem Bronchi
Uterus is Identifiable
Uterus is Identifiable
Vocal Cords
Vocal Cords
Sucking and Swallowing
Sucking and Swallowing
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