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The Endowment for Human Development
The Endowment for Human Development
Improving lifelong health one pregnancy at a time.
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Motion and Sensation

9 weeks

From The Biology of Prenatal Development.Buy Now

Script: O feto pode, também, segurar um objeto, mover a cabeça para frente e para trás, mover o maxilar e a língua, suspirar e se esticar.

Os nervos receptores no rosto, nas palmas das mãos e nas solas dos pés podem sentir leves toques.

"Em resposta a um leve toque na sola do pé", o feto dobra o quadril e o joelho, podendo curvar os dedos.

All ages referenced to fertilization, not last menstrual period.
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4D Ultrasound
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Fetal Period Begins
Motion and Sensation
Motion and Sensation
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