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The Endowment for Human Development
The Endowment for Human Development
Improving lifelong health one pregnancy at a time.
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Nose and Lips

11 weeks

From The Biology of Prenatal Development.Buy Now

Script: 11 WEKEN

Tegen week 11 zijn de neus en lippen volledig gevormd. Zoals bij elk ander lichaamsdeel, zal het uiterlijk daarvan veranderen in elke fase van de menselijke levenscyclus.

All ages referenced to fertilization, not last menstrual period.
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4D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
Ossification Underway
Ossification Underway
Nose and Lips
Nose and Lips
4D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
Male and Female
Male and Female
Glucose and Water Absorption
Glucose and Water Absorption
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