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Baby's heartbeat counter: 53,988,493
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April 18, 2008 – My baby is due! 20 in (50 cm)
Play movieReady for Birth
   — Thighs are about three inches long (about 7½ cm).
   — The heart beats 54 million times before birth.
   — Time to be born!
   — Air breathing begins.
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April 11, 2008 – My baby is 37 weeks old.  I am 39 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 20 in (50 cm)
Play movieFetal Respiratory Rate
   — Breathing motions occur about 70% of the time.
   — Baby's foot is now about three inches long (about 7½ cm).
   — Baby sometimes drinks 450cc (or 15 oz) of amniotic fluid each day.
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April 04, 2008 – My baby is 36 weeks old.  I am 38 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 19 in (49 cm)
Play movieExposure to Loud Noise
   — The number of heartbeats since conception is now greater than 50 million!
   — The belly is finally as big around as the head.
   — The brain weighs about 300 grams (a little less than ¾ pound).
   — Baby weighs about 3,000 grams (about 6 pounds, 10 ounces).
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March 28, 2008 – My baby is 35 weeks old.  I am 37 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 19 in (48 cm)
Play movieFirm Hand Grasp
   — The baby has a firm hand grasp.
   — Amniotic fluid volume peaks.
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March 21, 2008 – My baby is 34 weeks old.  I am 36 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 18 in (47 cm)
Play movieFlavor Preferences
   — Baby's feet are now 15 times their length at the age of 8 weeks.
   — Steady weight gain is a hallmark of the last weeks of pregnancy.
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March 14, 2008 – My baby is 33 weeks old.  I am 35 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 18 in (46 cm)
Play movieAlveoli Formation
   — Baby weighs about 2,500 grams (about 5½ pounds).
   — What the baby hears during these last weeks of pregnancy, he or she may prefer later (e.g. Mom's voice).
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March 07, 2008 – My baby is 32 weeks old.  I am 34 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 18 in (45 cm)
Play movieRapid Brain Growth
   — The lifetime supply of the kidney's filtration units is now present.
   — The lungs produce "air pocket" cells from now until 8 years of age.
   — Prenatal food seems to affect newborn taste preferences.
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February 29, 2008 – My baby is 31 weeks old.  I am 33 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 17 in (44 cm)
Play movieBehavioral States
   — The brain weighs about 200 grams (a little less than ½ pound).
   — Baby now weighs around 2,000 grams (almost 4½ pounds)!
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February 22, 2008 – My baby is 30 weeks old.  I am 32 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 17 in (42 cm)
Play movieBreathing Movements
   — Feet now measure almost 2½ inches long (about 6 cm).
   — Breathing motions are common, even though there is no air in the womb.
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February 15, 2008 – My baby is 29 weeks old.  I am 31 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 16 in (41 cm)
Play movieFetus Appears Less Wrinkled
   — After 40 million heartbeats, is a tuneup needed?
   — As fat stores increase, wrinkles disappear.
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February 08, 2008 – My baby is 28 weeks old.  I am 30 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 16 in (40 cm)
Play movieSound Discrimination
   — Breathing motions are getting deeper and taking longer.
   — Baby now weighs about 1,500 grams (about 3 pounds, 5 ounces).
   — Baby can distinguish sounds of different frequencies.
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February 01, 2008 – My baby is 27 weeks old.  I am 29 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 15 in (38 cm)
Play movieResponse to Light
   — The head is about the size of a softball.
   — Pupils react to light—just like newborns and big kids.
   — Body weight typically more than doubles from now until the end of pregnancy.
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January 25, 2008 – My baby is 26 weeks old.  I am 28 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 15 in (37 cm)
Play movieSense of Smell
   — The sense of smell has arrived.
   — The fetus can taste.
   — Between now and birth, brain weight increases 400% to 500%.
   — The eyes can produce tears.
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January 18, 2008 – My baby is 25 weeks old.  I am 27 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 14 in (36 cm)
Play movieSomersaults
   — The thigh bone (femur) is about two inches long (about 5 cm).
   — Baby now weighs about 1,000 grams (about 2 pounds, 3 ounces).
   — Baby's foot is now about two inches long (about 5 cm).
   — The eyes can detect low light and see in color.
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January 11, 2008 – My baby is 24 weeks old.  I am 26 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 14 in (35 cm)
Play movieFetal Respiratory Rate
   — Sometimes breathing motions occur up to 44 times per minute.
   — Sudden, loud noises trigger a blink-startle response.
   — The lungs produce a substance vital for breathing after birth.
   — Loud noise increases movement, heart rate, and swallowing.
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January 04, 2008 – My baby is 23 weeks old.  I am 25 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 13 in (33 cm)
Play movieBlink-Startle Response
   — The brain weighs about 100 grams (a little less than ¼ of a pound).
   — Breathing motions are seen about 14% of the time now and for the next weeks.
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December 28, 2007 – My baby is 22 weeks old.  I am 24 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 12 in (31 cm)
Play movieAge of Viability
   — Heart beat count now exceeds 30 million beats!
   — The two sides of the brain are no longer symmetrical.
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December 21, 2007 – My baby is 21 weeks old.  I am 23 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 12 in (30 cm)
Play movieSkin and Hair
   — Baby now weighs around 500 grams (about 1 pound, 2 ounces).
   — Rapid eye movement occurs, just like adults when they dream.
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December 14, 2007 – My baby is 20 weeks old.  I am 22 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 11 in (28 cm)
Play movieResponds to Sound
   — The head is now the size of a tennis ball.
   — The inner ear is already fully developed and fully grown.
   — If born prematurely this week, the chance of survival is about 40% with expert medical care!
   — Hearing begins, as does response to sound.
   — All skin layers and structures are complete.
   — The eyelids separate, and eyes open and close.
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December 07, 2007 – My baby is 19 weeks old.  I am 21 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 11 in (27 cm)
Play movieCircadian Rhythms
   — Girls’ ovaries now contain their lifetime supply of “eggs.”
   — Melanin begins forming and helps create an attractive skin tone.
   — Movement, breathing, and heart rate begin following daily rhythms.
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November 30, 2007 – My baby is 18 weeks old.  I am 20 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 10 in (26 cm)
Play movieVernix Caseosa
   — Sweat glands have arrived.
   — Certain movements in the larynx (voice box) are similar to that seen when talking after birth.
   — A greasy white substance protects the skin from the amniotic fluid.
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November 23, 2007 – My baby is 17 weeks old.  I am 19 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 9 in (23 cm)
Play movieBronchial Tree
   — The baby's heart has now beat has more than 20 million times!
   — The head is about as big around as the average woman's wrist.
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November 16, 2007 – My baby is 16 weeks old.  I am 18 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 8.3 in (21 cm)
Play movieHormonal Stress Response
   — Enamel begins forming on the developing teeth.
   — All air passages within the lungs are well formed.
   — The thigh bones (femur) are now about an inch long (or 2½ cm).
   — The baby releases stress hormones if poked with a needle.
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November 09, 2007 – My baby is 15 weeks old.  I am 17 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 7.7 in (20 cm)
Play movieBlood Cells and Bone Marrow
   — Nutrients in the amniotic fluid are broken down by digestive enzymes.
   — Blood cells begin replicating inside the bone marrow—just like big kids!
   — The head is bigger than a golf ball—and much cuter!
   — Baby's foot is now about one inch long (about 2½ cm).
   — Body fat emerges throughout the body.
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November 02, 2007 – My baby is 14 weeks old.  I am 16 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 6.7 in (17 cm)
Play movieQuickening
   — Starting at this age, girl fetuses move their jaws more often than the boys.
   — A pregnant mom may feel kicking for the first time.
   — If touched near the mouth, the face turns toward the side touched.
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October 26, 2007 – My baby is 13 weeks old.  I am 15 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 6 in (15 cm)
Play movieResponds to Touch
   — The baby is making more hormones all the time.
   — The entire fetus (except for parts of the scalp) responds to light touch.
   — Teeth are growing.
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October 19, 2007 – My baby is 12 weeks old.  I am 14 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 4.7 in (12 cm)
Play movieTaste Buds
   — Weight increased by 60% this past week.
   — There are taste buds all over the mouth.
   — Hands touch the mouth as many as 50 times per hour.
   — Arms reach their final proportion to body size.
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October 12, 2007 – My baby is 11 weeks old.  I am 13 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 3.7 in (10 cm)
Play movieNose and Lips
   — The face now makes complex expressions.
   — If you could peek inside, you could tell if it's a girl or boy!
   — Intestines absorb water and glucose from swallowed amniotic fluid.
   — The nose and lips are completely formed.
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October 05, 2007 – My baby is 10 weeks old.  I am 12 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 3 in (8 cm)
Play movieEyes Roll, Yawns
   — Body weight increased more than 75% just this week!
   — Bones are hardening throughout the body.
   — Fingernails and toenails begin to grow!
   — The right and left sides of the brain are connecting.
   — Tiny folds in the skin form unique fingerprints.
   — The eyes roll downward after stimulation of the upper lid.
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September 28, 2007 – My baby is 9 weeks old.  I am 11 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 2.4 in (6 cm)
Play movieSucking and Swallowing
   — The mouth opens and closes, and the tongue moves.
   — The eyelids are now fused.
   — Swallowing amniotic fluid begins.
   — The fetus sighs, stretches, and moves the head.
   — Female fetuses have early reproductive cells in their ovaries.
   — Thumb sucking begins.
   — Grasping objects begins.
   — Yawning begins. (9 wks, 4 days)
   — Vocal cords are developing. (9 wks, 4 days)
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September 21, 2007 – My baby is 8 weeks old.  I am 10 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 1.2 in (3 cm)
Play movieSpontaneous Movement
   — Occasional breathing motions begin.
   — The skin thickens and loses transparency.
   — Some embryos are right-handed, some are left-handed.
   — Male embryos are already making testosterone!
   — The embryo floats and rolls over in the womb.
   — The embryo's joints are similar to adult joints.
   — The embryo has more than 4,000 body parts (adults have about 4,500).
   — The embryonic period is ending. Tomorrow the fetal period begins.
   — Hair is starting to grow on the brow and around the mouth.
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September 14, 2007 – My baby is 7 weeks old.  I am 9 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 0.8 in (2 cm)
Play movieFingers and Toes
   — The heart is nearly complete.
   — Girls now have ovaries and boys have testes.
   — The head sometimes turns.
   — Fingers and toes emerge.
   — Hiccups may occur from now on.
   — The hands touch each other, as do the feet! (7 wks, 4 days)
   — Knee joints have arrived. (7 wks, 4 days)
   — The fingers are free. (7 wks, 4 days)
   — The toes are free. (7 wks, 6 days)
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September 07, 2007 – My baby is 6 weeks old.  I am 8 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 0.5 in (1 cm)
Play movieHand Movement
   — The face withdraws if lightly touched around the mouth.
   — The diaghragm is largely formed.
   — Electrical connections are forming in the spine.
   — The external ear is taking shape.
   — The appendix can be seen.
   — Brainwave activity is reported. (6 wks, 2 days)
   — Collar bones and jaw bones begin to harden. (6 wks, 4 days)
   — The hands begin to move. (6 wks, 4 days)
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August 31, 2007 – My baby is 5 weeks old.  I am 7 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 9 mm
Play movieHand Plates and Cartilage
   — The head makes up one third of the whole embryo!
   — The permanent kidneys are in place.
   — Hand plates have arrived.
   — Lung regions reflect the pattern of adult lungs.
   — Joints in the wrists are forming. (5 wks, 1 day)
   — Foot plates are present. (5 wks, 2 days)
   — Subtle movement begins. (5 wks, 5 days)
   — The heart's four chambers are seen in action. (5 wks, 6 days)
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August 24, 2007 – My baby is 4 weeks old.  I am 6 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 5 mm
Play movieThe Heart in Action
   — The amnion surrounds the embryo with a fluid-filled sac.
   — The umbilical cord is in place.
   — A tiny trachea or windpipe is forming.
   — The heart beats more than 100 times per minute.
   — Limb buds (soon-to-be arms and legs) appear.
   — Part of the brain that will control coordination is present.
   — The skin is so thin, you can see through it!
   — The brain's five main sections are visible. (4 wks, 4 days)
   — Cerebral hemispheres appear and begin to grow rapidly. (4 wks, 4 days)
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August 17, 2007 – My baby is 3 weeks old.  I am 5 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 3 mm
Play movieThe Folding of the Embryo
   — The brain has three major divisions.
   — Blood cells and blood vessels are forming.
   — The heart is shaped like a long tube.
   — The heart begins beating! (3 wks, 1 day)
   — Part of the thyroid gland appears. (3 wks, 1 day)
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August 10, 2007 – My baby is 2 weeks old.  I am 4 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 0.2 mm
Play movieAmnion and Germ Layers
   — germ cells, which will form eggs in girls and sperm in boys, are present.
   — Blood cell precursors are appearing in the yolk sac.
   — The early heart can be seen. (20 days)
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August 03, 2007 – My baby is 1 week old.  I am 3 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 0.1 mm
Play movieThe Morula and Blastocyst
   — The hormone hCG triggers a positive pregnancy test. (8 days)
   — Cells in the womb near the embryo are loaded with nutrients.
   — The amniotic sac begins forming. (10 days)
   — Implantation is complete and the placenta is starting to form. (12 days)
   — The embryo is now symmetrical about the midline. (13 days)
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July 27, 2007 – Fertilization (conception) occurs.  I am 2 weeks pregnant (since LMP). 0.1 mm
Play movieCell Division
   — Development begins with a single-cell embryo at conception!!! (Age: 0-1 day old)
   — One cell becomes two. (30 to 36 hours old)
   — With 12 to 16 cells, the embryo is shaped like a tiny bunch of grapes. (3 days old)
   — The site of the future back and chest can be seen. (4 days old)
   — The embryo begins to implant in the womb. (6 days)
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