This is the month of long waiting. Seemed for me that way. I had taken my three months off my job. But now it had been about a month spent and my baby had not come out yet. Be patient...the doctor predicted he will be born on early of April. We can't wait to see him, grab him and hug him. Our little angel from God. We'll inform you later....thank you! [Post a comment]
March 14, 2008 – My baby is 35 weeks old. I am 37 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
This is true! Everytime my baby is kicking! He kicks the left and right side of my stomach. I can't sleep like a baby now. But it is so fun to feel the kicks! I worry if he doesn't kick instead. So I wake him up anytime he is silent. Kick Mommy honey. [Post a comment]
February 15, 2008 – My baby is 31 weeks old. I am 33 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
17 in (44 cm)
Behavioral States
The brain weighs about 200 grams (a little less than ½ pound).
Baby now weighs around 2,000 grams (almost 4½ pounds)!
This is the time when my husband and I spent a lot of fun to have baby's clothing shopping. We went to baby's grochery store to but some clothes and funny other little things for him. I was so fun! After shopping, we usually laughed to know how much we've spent, but never mind, this is for our first son to be! We didn't wanna count anything for our kids. As long as we can be wise spending our money for him. We thought that three months after he was born, he might need different size of clothing, so we keep our money safe to buy the next different size for him. Oyeah, we call him Eyo, since after having USG, the doctor once again informed that the baby was a boy. Before knowing it, we called our baby, Eya or Eyo. One more funny thing was that we planned to put the name of Valentino in his name. But we think that Valentine's Day has passed so long. We pick this name since my husband and I are fans of Valentino Rossi, the GP racer. So perhaps we will just pick some elements of his name not all. Let see hehe... [Post a comment]
January 18, 2008 – My baby is 27 weeks old. I am 29 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
15 in (38 cm)
Response to Light
The head is about the size of a softball.
Pupils react to light—just like newborns and big kids.
Body weight typically more than doubles from now until the end of pregnancy.
In this month, I started joining an excercise for pregnant women. The hospital where I usually check up my pregnancy offered the some sessions. It was fun to meet other women in pretty big belly like me. We could share each other. I enjoy this meeting although we sometimes found the new face every meeting since one by one every mother had their turn to have a birth. It was pretty touchy though. [Post a comment]
December 21, 2007 – My baby is 23 weeks old. I am 25 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
13 in (33 cm)
Blink-Startle Response
The brain weighs about 100 grams (a little less than ¼ of a pound).
Breathing motions are seen about 14% of the time now and for the next weeks.
This is still a safe time for me to bring him fly with me. We had to go to a place which is one hour away by air. The doctor permitted me so here we were. Flying in the air to my grandma's home. My baby was fine, although some small turbulance happend above. I think that was his first experience of flying. [Post a comment]
September 28, 2007 – My baby is 11 weeks old. I am 13 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
3.7 in (10 cm)
Nose and Lips
The face now makes complex expressions.
If you could peek inside, you could tell if it's a girl or boy!
Intestines absorb water and glucose from swallowed amniotic fluid.
In my first three semester, I always curious why my belly had not growing bigger? It was still flat as it used to be. Everytime I grab it, felt that sombody was growing in it, but I wondered when my belly was getting bigger? Oneday I found it out. My stomach was a little higher than usually. I still could wear my jeans anywhere and my shirts were mostly still fit. It was fun people saw me like nothing happened with me. [Post a comment]
September 14, 2007 – My baby is 9 weeks old. I am 11 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
2.4 in (6 cm)
Sucking and Swallowing
The mouth opens and closes, and the tongue moves.
The eyelids are now fused.
Swallowing amniotic fluid begins.
The fetus sighs, stretches, and moves the head.
Female fetuses have early reproductive cells in their ovaries.
This was another hobby that I rarely did but suddenly I wanted to do it. I wanted to cook! Whenever I had spare time at home, I went to traditional market and bought some ingredients to cook. I cooked for lunch with my husband or I made cake which never well done. Hehe... [Post a comment]
September 07, 2007 – My baby is 8 weeks old. I am 10 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
1.2 in (3 cm)
Spontaneous Movement
Occasional breathing motions begin.
The skin thickens and loses transparency.
Some embryos are right-handed, some are left-handed.
Male embryos are already making testosterone!
The embryo floats and rolls over in the womb.
The embryo's joints are similar to adult joints.
The embryo has more than 4,000 body parts (adults have about 4,500).
The embryonic period is ending. Tomorrow the fetal period begins.
Hair is starting to grow on the brow and around the mouth.
Although I didn't have any problems with the first three semester of my preganancy, especially about morning sickness but it didn't mean that I didn't have other new things for a Mom to be. Something that really shocked me was I suddenly became fan of Valentino Rossi. Everybody knows he is a motoGP racer, he was a world champion for many times! I rarely wacthed the GP race unless my husband turn on the TV channel on it. Well, actually my husband was the fan of him since a long time ago, I never know this man though. But I didn't know why I suddenly 'fell in love' with this 29 years old racer! I always wanted to see his action in the GP race, although he lost many times, it changed nothing. I 'keep in love' with him, with his charism and the way he always tried to be number one. He showed spirit and never give up. Seeing this, my husband laughed! He said, yes the child is my child, so he loves what I love too. Hmmm.... [Post a comment]
August 31, 2007 – My baby is 7 weeks old. I am 9 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
0.8 in (2 cm)
Fingers and Toes
The heart is nearly complete.
Girls now have ovaries and boys have testes.
The head sometimes turns.
Fingers and toes emerge.
Hiccups may occur from now on.
The hands touch each other, as do the feet! (7 wks, 4 days)
For the last three months, I didn't get bad morning sickness like commonly women do. I ate anything, I didn't want to eat something urgently. Everything seemed so good and fine for me. I was away from my husband because we work in different city, but it was okey for us. So, whenever we are far away, I told my child inside, be tough and help Mama to work well. Whatever he/she wants, I tried to fulfill it. My child looked so nice, never asked for too much. I thanked God for this blessing. Every morning I woke up, I felt so happy because somebody also woke up with me. That was super! [Post a comment]
August 24, 2007 – My baby is 6 weeks old. I am 8 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
0.5 in (1 cm)
Hand Movement
The face withdraws if lightly touched around the mouth.
The diaghragm is largely formed.
Electrical connections are forming in the spine.
The external ear is taking shape.
The appendix can be seen.
Brainwave activity is reported. (6 wks, 2 days)
Collar bones and jaw bones begin to harden. (6 wks, 4 days)
Now, situation became more normal again. I was back to work so did my husband. There was no worries anymore, we let God take care of everything including our baby. The baby was fine, I consumed vitamins from the doctor and have him checked once every month. A special feeling loaded my heart. I was not alone anymore. There was my child with me, so I must be careful with what I did and what I ate. I didn't want to neglect my child. [Post a comment]
August 17, 2007 – My baby is 5 weeks old. I am 7 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
9 mm
Hand Plates and Cartilage
The head makes up one third of the whole embryo!
The permanent kidneys are in place.
Hand plates have arrived.
Lung regions reflect the pattern of adult lungs.
Joints in the wrists are forming. (5 wks, 1 day)
Foot plates are present. (5 wks, 2 days)
Subtle movement begins. (5 wks, 5 days)
The heart's four chambers are seen in action. (5 wks, 6 days)
Aftering knowing that I was pregnant and had a bed rest, suddenly all the anstable emotional changes I felt recently was gone! I felt so happy but also worried of losing my baby. My husband supported me a lot, he was also happy to hear the good news. He was always beside me to serve anything I wanted. He also took me to the doctor to check up. We were gladly informed this good news to our parents, families and our workmates. They showed happy reaction too and told us to take good care of our baby. The world was so bright for us. We were going to be Mom and Dad! [Post a comment]
August 10, 2007 – My baby is 4 weeks old. I am 6 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
5 mm
The Heart in Action
The amnion surrounds the embryo with a fluid-filled sac.
The umbilical cord is in place.
A tiny trachea or windpipe is forming.
The heart beats more than 100 times per minute.
Limb buds (soon-to-be arms and legs) appear.
Part of the brain that will control coordination is present.
The skin is so thin, you can see through it!
The brain's five main sections are visible. (4 wks, 4 days)
Cerebral hemispheres appear and begin to grow rapidly. (4 wks, 4 days)
• Again, I tried to use a test pack. This time I kept in mind, this was the last trial. And again the result was positive. I told my husband about this and also about my one week last bleeding. I ask my auntie what it was and she suggested us to check it up to the doctor since according to her experience, these symptoms sometimes indicated an early abortion of the fetus. That was right; the doctor said that I got bleeding which could harm my baby if I was late checking it to the doctor. Suddenly I felt so sad, I didn't want to lose the baby, so according to the doctor's suggestion, and I must have a one week full bed rest. [Post a comment]
August 03, 2007 – My baby is 3 weeks old. I am 5 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
Finally what I had been waiting for happened. I got my mentsruation period, but there was something weird because it lasted for almost a week. It was strange for me since I usually got it for about 3-5 days only. It was also weird because it was not bloody at all, only a browned color flack in my pants. I was curious because it never happened before. I also felt that my breast was hurt and hard like a stone everytime I touched. In this time, I tried not to be stuborn, I bought some test packs to test whether or not I was pregnant, according to the initial sympthoms I felt. It was shocking! Yes! I was positive. But still I couldn't believe that fast. I didn't tell my husband, I keep it in my heart since I was still curious about the flack that was looked like mentruation I got. It was confusing for me. Was it true I was pregnant or the test pack was wrong? [Post a comment]
July 27, 2007 – My baby is 2 weeks old. I am 4 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
0.2 mm
Amnion and Germ Layers
germ cells, which will form eggs in girls and sperm in boys, are present.
Blood cell precursors are appearing in the yolk sac.
In this 3rd week of July, I became more curious since I didn't get my mentruation which is usually due every end of month. I just waited and once again let it flow, didn't expect for too much. But the unstable emotional changes still happened, I felt so tired with that. [Post a comment]
July 20, 2007 – My baby is 1 week old. I am 3 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
0.1 mm
The Morula and Blastocyst
The hormone hCG triggers a positive pregnancy test. (8 days)
Cells in the womb near the embryo are loaded with nutrients.
The amniotic sac begins forming. (10 days)
Implantation is complete and the placenta is starting to form. (12 days)
The embryo is now symmetrical about the midline. (13 days)
I found myself still fully loaded with unstable emotional situation. Everything seemed to be wrong for me and my husband as a closest side became 'victim' of my anger. I didn't know why that happened to me. But inside my heart I begin to suspect 'something wrong' inside of me, but I let it flow. I just didn't want to make high expectation for anything, it was just too fast I think. [Post a comment]
July 13, 2007 – Fertilization (conception) occurs. I am 2 weeks pregnant (since LMP).
0.1 mm
Cell Division
Development begins with a single-cell embryo at conception!!! (Age: 0-1 day old)
One cell becomes two. (30 to 36 hours old)
With 12 to 16 cells, the embryo is shaped like a tiny bunch of grapes. (3 days old)
The site of the future back and chest can be seen. (4 days old)
The embryo begins to implant in the womb. (6 days)
It's been about two weeks, a week after my the wedding day and just a week after my honeymoon, suddenly my emotion changes a lot. I was easily got mad to my husband without any reason. I was easily felt abandonded, I felt like I need more attention from my husband and I was easily felt jealous. I made my husband confused and we often had a fight due to this confusing situation. [Post a comment]