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Little One Pregnancy Calendar & Journal

Baby’s Pregnancy Calendar

Weight Length (Head to Heel) Total Heartbeats Estimated Due Date
7lb 6oz (3.4kg) 20 in (50 cm) 514,633,828 May 4, 2016
Pregnancy Progress

The Morula and Blastocyst

1 week old / 3 weeks pregnant (since LMP)

Here’s what Baby’s baby was up to on August 19...

  • The hormone hCG triggers a positive pregnancy test. (8 days)
  • Cells in the womb near the embryo are loaded with nutrients.
  • The amniotic sac begins forming. (10 days)
  • Implantation is complete and the placenta is starting to form. (12 days)
  • The embryo is now symmetrical about the midline. (13 days)
Weight Length (Diameter) Total Heartbeats
0.1 mg 0.1 mm 0
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"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men [and women]."

Frederick Douglas

