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Little One Pregnancy Calendar & Journal

Baby’s Pregnancy Calendar

Weight Length (Head to Heel) Total Heartbeats Estimated Due Date
7lb 6oz (3.4kg) 20 in (50 cm) 513,233,341 May 4, 2016
Pregnancy Progress

The Folding of the Embryo

3 weeks old / 5 weeks pregnant (since LMP)

Here’s what Baby’s baby was up to on September 2...

  • The brain has three major divisions.
  • Blood cells and blood vessels are forming.
  • The heart is shaped like a long tube.
  • The heart begins beating! (3 wks, 1 day)
  • Part of the thyroid gland appears. (3 wks, 1 day)
Weight Length (Head to Rump) Total Heartbeats
20 mg 3 mm 0
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Ask your doctor or midwife before starting any new over-the-counter medications or supplements.

