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The Endowment for Human Development
The Endowment for Human Development
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9-Week Fetus, MRI Animation

#407, Slide 12 of 19

9 weeks

From The Biology of Prenatal Development.Buy Now


Magnetic resonance imaging animation

Label Key:

1. ear
2. neck
3. multiple rib outlines
4. liver
5. cerebral hemisphere
6. eye
7. loops of intestine (physiologic herniation)
8. umbilical cord
All ages referenced to fertilization, not last menstrual period.
Fertilization BeginsThree-Cell EmbryoEarly BlastocystImplantation Well UnderwayThe 4-Week EmbryoVitelline Vessels and Yolk SacHand Plate and Vital OrgansHand, 7 Weeks Pregnant7½-Week EmbryoRight Eye and Facial Profile9-Week Fetus, MRI AnimationExit Stage LeftPosterior Surface of Left ThighStill HidingThe MouthFace, 27-Week FetusFace and Left ForearmReady for Birth and Beyond
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