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amnion, amniotic cavity, chorion, chorionic cavity, connecting stalk, decidual reaction, embryonic disc, endometrial stroma, exocoelomic cyst, extra-embryonic coelom, secondary umbilical vesicle, secondary umbilical vesicle cavity, secondary villus, trophoblast lacunae, trophoblastic layer, uterine gland

A section through the middle of the 13-day embryo showing the relation of the embryo to the surrounding endometrium and trophoblastic layer and lacunae.

The 13-day embryo with secondary villi (early trilaminar blastocyst)
Stage 6
Age 13 days
Carnegie collection 7801

Heuser et al., 1945.

Keywords: amnion, amniotic cavity, chorion, chorionic cavity, connecting stalk, decidual reaction, embryonic disc, endometrial stroma, exocoelomic cyst, extra-embryonic coelom, secondary umbilical vesicle, secondary umbilical vesicle cavity, secondary villus, trophoblast lacunae, trophoblastic layer, uterine gland

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.