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communication of notochordal canal and umbilical vesicle cavity, ectoderm, endoderm, lateral body fold, lateral mesoderm, neural fold, neural groove, neural plate, notochordal process, paraxial mesoderm

A section through the middle of the neural plate and the notochordal process.

1. The midline neural plate flanked on each side by a neural fold.
2. The lateral body folds with ectoderm covering the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the embryo.
3. The midline notochordal process having a platelike shape, which joins with endoderm and makes contact with mesoderm.
4. The communication of the notochordal canal with the yolk sac cavity.
5. The subdivisions of the mesodermal layer into paraxial and lateral portions.

Keywords: communication of notochordal canal and umbilical vesicle cavity, ectoderm, endoderm, lateral body fold, lateral mesoderm, neural fold, neural groove, neural plate, notochordal process, paraxial mesoderm

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.