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cephalic part of foregut, cut edge of amnion, ectoderm, endoderm, endomyocardial space, glossopharyngeal-vagal neural crest (CN IX and X), laryngotracheal groove, left dorsal aorta, mesocardium, mesoderm, neural canal, neural tube, pericardial sac, pharynx, placode 10, placode 9, primary head vein, primitive ventricle of heart, primordial endocardium, primordial epimyocardium, rhombencephalon (postotic)

A section through the middle of the primitive ventricle of the heart that is to the left of the midline.

1. The close relation between the mesocardium and the laryngotracheal groove in the floor of the foregut.
2. The close relation between the glossopharyngeal-vagal neural crest and placode IX–X.
3. The closed neural tube at the postotic part of the rhombencephalon.

Keywords: cephalic part of foregut, cut edge of amnion, ectoderm, endoderm, endomyocardial space, glossopharyngeal-vagal neural crest (CN IX and X), laryngotracheal groove, left dorsal aorta, mesocardium, mesoderm, neural canal, neural tube, pericardial sac, pharynx, placode 10, placode 9, primary head vein, primitive ventricle of heart, primordial endocardium, primordial epimyocardium, rhombencephalon (postotic)

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.