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C-2 myotome, C-2 neural crest, C-2 sclerotome, chiasmal part of hypothalamus, dorsal aorta, esophageal part, left atrium, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, median mandibular groove, notochord, optic cavity, ostium primum, precardinal vein, prosencephalon (diencephalic part), prosocoele (forebrain ventricle), right atrium, stomodeum, tracheal part, tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus

A section through the C-2 neural crest and the cranial edge of the ostium primum.

1. The relation of the mandibular process to the truncus arteriosus of the heart.
2. The tracheoesophageal tube with its tracheal and espohageal parts.
3. The close relation of the neural crest to the myotome.
4. The location of the heart (atria) in the cervical region. Cardiac nerves originate in the cervical region and migrate with the heart into the thorax.
5. The communication of the right and left atria through the ostium primum.

Keywords: C-2 myotome, C-2 neural crest, C-2 sclerotome, chiasmal part of hypothalamus, dorsal aorta, esophageal part, left atrium, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, median mandibular groove, notochord, optic cavity, ostium primum, precardinal vein, prosencephalon (diencephalic part), prosocoele (forebrain ventricle), right atrium, stomodeum, tracheal part, tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.