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C-3 dermatome, C-3 neural crest, C-3 sclerotome, conus cordis, dorsal aorta, edge of right hepatocardiac vein, left atrium, left common cardinal vein, left lung bud, mesocardium, mesoesophagus, notochord, olfactory placode, ostium primum, postcardinal vein, primitive esophagus, prosencephalon (telencephalic part), prosocoele (forebrain ventricle), right atrium, right common cardinal vein, right horn of sinus venosus, right lung bud, sinus venosus, sulcus limitans, tracheal bifurcation

A section through the C-3 neural crest and the tracheal bifurcation.

1. The olfactory placodes located ventrolateral to the telencephalic part of the prosencephalon.
2. The entrance of the right common cardinal vein into the sinus venosus.
3. The right and left lung buds.
4. The lateral position of the postcardinal veins to the paired dorsal aortas.

Keywords: C-3 dermatome, C-3 neural crest, C-3 sclerotome, conus cordis, dorsal aorta, edge of right hepatocardiac vein, left atrium, left common cardinal vein, left lung bud, mesocardium, mesoesophagus, notochord, olfactory placode, ostium primum, postcardinal vein, primitive esophagus, prosencephalon (telencephalic part), prosocoele (forebrain ventricle), right atrium, right common cardinal vein, right horn of sinus venosus, right lung bud, sinus venosus, sulcus limitans, tracheal bifurcation

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.