Alimentary and respiratory systems of the 5-mm embryo.
Keywords: allantois, cloaca, cloacal membrane, cut edge of mesonephros, cut edge of umbilical vesicle, dorsal pancreatic bud, esophagus primordium, hepatic antrum, hindgut, hypophyseal pouch, left lung bud, liver, mesonephric duct, midgut, neurohypophyseal bud, origin of hepatic trabeculae, pharyngeal pouch 1, pharyngeal pouch 2, pharyngeal pouch 3, pharyngeal pouch 4, rectal part of cloaca, stomach primordium, stomodeum, tail gut, thyroid diverticulum, tip of notochord, trachea primordium, tracheo-esophageal tube, ultimopharyngeal pouch, umbilical stalk, urogenital sinus, urorectal septum, ventral pancreatic bud
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.