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C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, arytenoid swelling, branchial arch 4, cartilage of branchial arch 1 (Meckel's), cervical plexus, cervical sinus, chiasmal area, epithalamus, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) and premuscle masses of tongue, inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), lamina terminalis, laryngeal orifice, left horn of aortic sac, loose mesenchyme, mandibular process, maxillary process, myotome, notochord, optic cup cavity, optic stalk, pineal bud, primitive maxillary vein, right horn of aortic sac, sclerotome, sternocleidomastoid / trapezius premuscle mass, superior laryngeal nerve (CN X), sympathetic chain, terminal part of internal carotid artery, third ventricle, thyroid gland, ventral portion of pharyngeal pouch 3

A section through the C-3 spinal ganglion, branchial arches and thyroid gland.

1. The cervical sinus ventral to the sternocleidomastoid-trapezius premuscle mass.
2. The ventral portion of the third pharyngeal pouch which gives rise to the greater thymic bud.
3. The termination of the hypoglossal nerve in the premuscle masses of the tongue.
4. The first branchial arch cartilage in the mandibular process.
5. The superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve that innervates part of the larynx

Keywords: C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, arytenoid swelling, branchial arch 4, cartilage of branchial arch 1 (Meckel's), cervical plexus, cervical sinus, chiasmal area, epithalamus, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) and premuscle masses of tongue, inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), lamina terminalis, laryngeal orifice, left horn of aortic sac, loose mesenchyme, mandibular process, maxillary process, myotome, notochord, optic cup cavity, optic stalk, pineal bud, primitive maxillary vein, right horn of aortic sac, sclerotome, sternocleidomastoid / trapezius premuscle mass, superior laryngeal nerve (CN X), sympathetic chain, terminal part of internal carotid artery, third ventricle, thyroid gland, ventral portion of pharyngeal pouch 3

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.