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T-1 spinal ganglion, afferent veins, allantois, bare area of liver, dorsal mesogastrium, ductus venosus, edge of gall bladder, edge of primitive hand plate, endoderm of stomach, gastric condensation, greater curvature, hepatic duct(s), hepatic sinusoid, junction of umbilical cord and body wall, lesser  sac, lesser curvature, mammary ridge, mesonephros, myotome, neural arch, peritoneal cavity, placode, portal vein, postcardinal vein, primordium of suprarenal cortex, right hepatocardiac vein, subcardinal vein, sympathetic trunk, umbilical vein, ventral mesogastrium (lesser omentum)

A section through the T-1 spinal ganglion and stomach.

1. The dorsal and ventral mesogastrium attaching to the greater and lesser curvatures of the stomach, respectively.
2. The lesser sac dorsal to the stomach.
3. The junction of the portal vein with the ductus venosus.
4. Nearby afferent veins arising from the ductus venosus carrying blood to the hepatic sinusoids.
5. The edge of the gall bladder on the caudal surface of the liver.

Keywords: T-1 spinal ganglion, afferent veins, allantois, bare area of liver, dorsal mesogastrium, ductus venosus, edge of gall bladder, edge of primitive hand plate, endoderm of stomach, gastric condensation, greater curvature, hepatic duct(s), hepatic sinusoid, junction of umbilical cord and body wall, lesser sac, lesser curvature, mammary ridge, mesonephros, myotome, neural arch, peritoneal cavity, placode, portal vein, postcardinal vein, primordium of suprarenal cortex, right hepatocardiac vein, subcardinal vein, sympathetic trunk, umbilical vein, ventral mesogastrium (lesser omentum)

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.