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T-4 spinal ganglion, allantois, caudal limb of midgut loop, cranial limb of midgut loop, dorsal aorta, dorsal mesoduodenum, duodenum, extravasated blood cells (artifact), herniated mesentery with midgut, intersubcardinal anastomosis, involuting right umbilical vein, left umbilical artery, left umbilical vein, mammary ridge, mesonephric duct, neural canal, postcardinal vein, primitive filum terminale, right umbilical artery, superior mesenteric artery, superior mesenteric vein, sympathetic trunk, tip of tail bud, umbilical extension of peritoneal cavity, umbilical vein

A section through the T-4 spinal ganglion, herniated midgut and tip of the tail bud.

1. The thickest part of the mammary ridge where the mammary gland develops.
2. The extension of the peritoneal cavity into the umbilical cord.
3. The duodenum and its mesentery to the right of the superior mesenteric artery and vein.
4. The primitive filum terminale or tail segment of the neural tube.
5. The narrow allantois between the umbilical arteries.

Keywords: T-4 spinal ganglion, allantois, caudal limb of midgut loop, cranial limb of midgut loop, dorsal aorta, dorsal mesoduodenum, duodenum, extravasated blood cells (artifact), herniated mesentery with midgut, intersubcardinal anastomosis, involuting right umbilical vein, left umbilical artery, left umbilical vein, mammary ridge, mesonephric duct, neural canal, postcardinal vein, primitive filum terminale, right umbilical artery, superior mesenteric artery, superior mesenteric vein, sympathetic trunk, tip of tail bud, umbilical extension of peritoneal cavity, umbilical vein

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.