A section through the urogenital sinus, rectum and urorectal septum.
1. The myotome lateral to the neural arch.
2. The sympathetic trunk dorsolateral to the dorsal aorta.
3. The thick gonadal ridge in the ventromedial portion of the mesonephric ridge.
4. The hindgut suspended by a dorsal mesentery.
5. The urorectal septum dividing the cloaca into the urogenital sinus and rectum.
Keywords: T-7 spinal ganglion, dorsal aorta, dorsal mesentery, extravasated blood cells, gonadal ridge, hindgut endoderm, left umbilical artery, leg mesoderm, marginal vein, mesonephric duct, mesonephric ridge, myotome, neural arch, rectum, rib primordium, right umbilical artery, sympathetic trunk, urogenital sinus, urorectal septum
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.