A section through the C-5 spinal ganglion and primitive choana.
1. The olfactory nerve coursing from the olfactory epithelium.
2. The primitive choana between the lateral palatine process and the nasal septum.
3. The origin of the nasolacrimal duct between the lateral nasal elevation and maxillary process.
4. The tongue tip in the primitive oral cavity near the primitive rima oris.
5. The caudal parathyroid bud derived from the third pouch of younger embryos.
Keywords: C-5 spinal ganglion, caudal parathyroid bud (pouch 3), cerebral vesicle, cervical lamina, common carotid artery, ectomeninx, endomeninx, external jugular vein, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), labiogingival groove, laryngeal pharynx, lateral nasal elevation, lateral palatine process, lateral ventricle, levator scapulae muscle, maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, middle cervical sympathetic ganglion, nasal septum, nasolacrimal duct, neural canal, olfactory epithelium, olfactory nerve (CN I), origin of nasolacrimal duct, pharyngeal arch 1 cartilage (Meckel), pharyngeal constrictor muscle, phrenic nerve, primitive choana, primitive glottis, primitive nasal cavity, primitive oral cavity, primitive rima oris, primordial hippocampus, primordial olfactory bulb, semispinalis capitis muscle, splenius muscle, sulcus limitans, tongue tip, ventral median groove, vomeronasal nerve and nervus terminalis
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.