A section through the C-8 spinal ganglion and the edge of the frontal and nasal regions.
1. The ascending and descending aortas that are continuous with the aortic arch in Section 24.
2. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve coursing to the tracheoesophageal groove.
3. The head of the humerus deep to the deltoid muscles.
4. The phrenic nerve lateral to the precardinal vein.
Keywords: C-7 neural arch, C-7 spinal nerve, C-8 spinal ganglion, ascending aorta, carpus, deltoid muscle, descending aorta, digit 2, edge of cerebral hemisphere, edge of frontal region, edge of nasal region, erector spinae muscle group, esophageal muscularis, external nostril, forearm, frontonasal area, head of humerus, lateral nasal elevation, left precardinal vein segment, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, left subclavian artery, origin of the vertebral artery, pectoralis muscles, phrenic nerve, scalene muscles, scapula, thenar area, tracheo-esophageal groove, transversospinal muscle group
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.