A section through the T-7 spinal ganglion and the cranial edge of the liver.
1. The septum transversum separating the pericardial and peritoneal cavities and the pleuroperitoneal membrane separating the pleural and peritoneal cavities.
2. The right phrenic nerve lateral to the inferior vena cava.
3. The vagus nerves forming a plexus around the esophagus.
4. The dorsal mesoesophagus separating the pleural cavities between the aorta and esophagus.
5. A ramus communicans connecting the sympathetic trunk with an intercostal nerve.
Keywords: T-7 intercostal nerve, T-7 spinal ganglion, aorta, dorsal meso-esophagus, esophageal plexus, inferior vena cava (hepatocardiac segment), intercostal artery, internal intercostal muscle(s), left lobe of liver, lower lobe, parietal serous pericardium, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity, phrenic nerve, pleural cavity, pleuroperitoneal membrane, ramus communicans, rectus abdominis muscle, right lobe of liver, septum transversum, shaft of rib 7, sympathetic trunk
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.