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T-8 intercostal nerve, T-8 spinal ganglion, aorta, azygos vein, bare area of the liver, dorsal meso-esophagus, esophageal plexus, external abdominal oblique muscle, inferior vena cava, liver, lower lobe, neural canal, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity, phrenic nerve, pleural cavity, pleuroperitoneal membrane, posterior intercostal artery, septum transversum, shaft of rib 8

A section through the T-8 spinal ganglion and caudal part of the pericardial cavity.

1. The phrenic nerves approaching the septum transversum part of the diaphragm.
2. The inferior vena cava near the bare area of the liver.
3. The lower lobes of the lungs separated by the esophagus.
4. The azygos line vein lateral to the aorta.
5. The origin of a posterior intercostal artery from the aorta.

Keywords: T-8 intercostal nerve, T-8 spinal ganglion, aorta, azygos vein, bare area of the liver, dorsal meso-esophagus, esophageal plexus, external abdominal oblique muscle, inferior vena cava, liver, lower lobe, neural canal, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity, phrenic nerve, pleural cavity, pleuroperitoneal membrane, posterior intercostal artery, septum transversum, shaft of rib 8

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.