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T-9 spinal ganglion, anterior vagal trunk, aorta, azygos vein, dorsal meso-esophagus, ductus venosus, ectomeninx, edge of mesonephros, edge of pleural cavity, edge of suprarenal gland (cortex), efferent vein, endomeninx, esophageal muscularis, external abdominal oblique muscle, greater sac, inferior vena cava (hepatocardiac segment), posterior vagal trunk, rectus abdominis muscle, shaft of rib 9

A section through the T-9 spinal ganglion and the cranial edge of the mesonephros.

1. Efferent veins draining into the ductus venosus.
2. The junction of the ductus venosus with the hepatocardiac segment of the inferior vena cava.
3. The relation of the vagal trunks to the esophagus as it passes through the diaphragm in Section 36.
4. The cranial edge of the suprarenal gland, lateral to the caudal edge of the pleural cavity.

Keywords: T-9 spinal ganglion, anterior vagal trunk, aorta, azygos vein, dorsal meso-esophagus, ductus venosus, ectomeninx, edge of mesonephros, edge of pleural cavity, edge of suprarenal gland (cortex), efferent vein, endomeninx, esophageal muscularis, external abdominal oblique muscle, greater sac, inferior vena cava (hepatocardiac segment), posterior vagal trunk, rectus abdominis muscle, shaft of rib 9

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.