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T-11 intercostal nerve, T-11 spinal ganglion, centrum, cystic duct, dorsal mesoduodenum, gonad, gonadal mesentery, greater sac, hepatic duct(s), inferior vena cava (subcardinal vein), lesser omentum, lesser sac, mesonephric and female ducts, mucosa (endoderm), muscularis, neural arch, portal vein, rib 12, spleen, splenic artery and vein in dorsal mesogastrium, submucosa, superior mesenteric artery, suprarenal medulla, sympathetic trunk, visceral peritoneum (serosa)

A section through the middle of the lesser sac.

1. The four layers of the stomach wall.
2. The junction of the cystic and hepatic ducts to form the bile duct.
3. The splenic vessels coursing through the dorsal mesogastrium.
4. The superior mesenteric artery passing into the dorsal mesoduodenum with the subcardinal segment of the inferior vena cava on its right side.
5. The centrum and neural arch portions of a vertebra.

Keywords: T-11 intercostal nerve, T-11 spinal ganglion, centrum, cystic duct, dorsal mesoduodenum, gonad, gonadal mesentery, greater sac, hepatic duct(s), inferior vena cava (subcardinal vein), lesser omentum, lesser sac, mesonephric and female ducts, mucosa (endoderm), muscularis, neural arch, portal vein, rib 12, spleen, splenic artery and vein in dorsal mesogastrium, submucosa, superior mesenteric artery, suprarenal medulla, sympathetic trunk, visceral peritoneum (serosa)

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.