A section through the urogenital fold and groove.
1. The labioscrotal swelling lateral to the urogenital fold.
2. The urorectal septum between the rectum and cloacal membrane.
3. The primordium of the third digit of the foot.
Keywords: L-5 spinal ganglion, S-1 spinal nerve, S-2 spinal nerve, S-3 spinal nerve, caudal limb of midgut, cloacal membrane, common peroneal nerve, cranial limb of midgut, digit 3, dorsal mesentery, extensor muscles of leg, gluteal muscle group, labioscrotal swelling, left umbilical artery, median sacral artery, neural canal, parasympathetic neuroblasts, rectum, right umbilical artery, umbilical cord, umbilical vein, urogenital fold, urogenital groove, urorectal septum
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.