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ectoderm, ectomeninx, edge of metencephalon, endomeninx, mesocoele (midbrain ventricle), mesoderm, middle cerebral plexus, rhombencoel (fourth ventricle), tectum of mesencephalon (midbrain)

A section through the tectum of the mesencephalon and edge of the metencephalon.

1. The dorsal part of the mesocoele and fourth ventricle.
2. The dorsal part of the middle cerebral plexus of veins in the ectomeninx.

Keywords: ectoderm, ectomeninx, edge of metencephalon, endomeninx, mesocoele (midbrain ventricle), mesoderm, middle cerebral plexus, rhombencoel (fourth ventricle), tectum of mesencephalon (midbrain)

Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.