A section through the edge of the cerebral vesicle and basal portion of the pons area.
1. The three sulci in the lateral wall of the diencephalon separating it into four subdivisions.
2. The root of the trigeminal nerve arising from the pons; the roots of cranial nerves VII and VIII arising from the region of the met- and myelencephalon junction.
3. The common crus and its junction with the utricle of the membranous labyrinth.
4. The venous sinuses in the ectomeninx.
5. The spinal accessory nerve in two regions and the junction of the cranial accessory nerve with the vagus nerve.
Keywords: alar plate(s), anterior semicircular canal, basal plate, basal portion of pons, basilar artery, common crus, cranial accessory nerve (CN XI), dorsal thalamus, edge of cerebral vesicle(s), endolymphatic duct, epithalamus, floor plate, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), hypothalamus, junction of common crus and utricle, metencephalon and myelencephalon junction, myelencephalon (medulla oblongata), posterior communicating artery, posterior semicircular canal, primitive marginal sinus, primitive sigmoid sinus, raphe, roof plate, root of facial nerve (CN VII), root of hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), root of trigeminal nerve (CN V), root of vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), stem of anterior cerebral plexus, sulcus dorsalis, sulcus limitans, sulcus medius, sulcus ventralis, superior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), trigeminal root (CN V), ventral thalamus, vertebral artery, zona limitans intrathalamica
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.