A section through the cranial edge of the gonads, renal hilum and T-10 spinal ganglion.
1. The bladder flanked on each side by an umbilical artery.
2. The caudal edge of the lesser sac.
3. The left gonad covered by the greater omentum.
4. The left renal vein between the duodenum and aorta coursing to the inferior vena cava.
5. The superior mesenteric ganglion at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery from the aorta.
Keywords: T-10 spinal ganglion, T-10 transverse process, body of pancreas, colon, duodenal jejunal junction, duodenum, gonad, gonad (testis), greater omentum, greater splanchnic nerve, herniated jejunum, inferior vena cava, jejunum, left renal vein, left umbilical artery, lesser sac, liver, minor calyx, origin of superior mesenteric artery from aorta, renal hilum, rib 11, right renal vein, right umbilical artery, spleen, superior mesenteric ganglion, suprarenal cortex, suprarenal medulla, sympathetic trunk, umbilical coelom, urinary bladder
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.