A section through the bulb and crura of the penis and L-2 spinal ganglion.
1. The proximal part of the urethra where the prostate will later develop.
2. The mesonephric ducts in the fused broad folds.
3. The caudal edge of the ureter.
4. The junction of the colon in Section 32 with the rectum.
5. The internal iliac vessels lateral to the pelvic viscera.
Keywords: L-2 spinal ganglion, L-3 spinal nerve, adductor muscles, bulb (penis), crus (penis), epithelial tag, external abdominal oblique muscle, femoral nerve, fused broad folds, glans (penis), iliacus muscle, internal abdominal oblique muscle, internal iliac artery, internal iliac vein, intervertebral foramen, mesonephric duct, neck of femur, nucleus pulposus (notochord), obturator nerve, psoas major muscle, pubis, rectum, sciatic nerve, scrotal swelling, ureter, urethra, urethral plate, vertebral canal
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.