A section through the hip joint and L-3 spinal ganglion.
1. The junction of the urethra with the urogenital groove.
2. The caudal part of the peritoneal cavity (rectovesicle pouch).
3. The absence of a mesentery on the rectum.
4. An intervertebral disc.
5. The subdivisions of the white and grey matter in the lumbar portion of the spinal cord.
Keywords: L-3 spinal ganglion, L-4 transverse process, dorsal funiculus, dorsal horn, grey and white matter of spinal cord, hamstring muscles, head of femur, hip joint, iliacus muscle, ilium, internal iliac vein, intervertebral disc, ischiopubic junction, lateral funiculus, lumbosacral trunk, nucleus pulposus, obturator foramen, pelvic plexus, quadratus femoris muscle, rectovesicle pouch, rectum, sciatic nerve, urethra, urogenital groove, ventral funiculus, ventral horn, ventral spinal artery
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.