Alimentary and respiratory systems of the 30-mm embryo. The stomach is to the left and ventral to the duodenum and pancreas.
Keywords: anus, appendix, body of pancreas, cecum, colon, common bile duct, cricoid cartilage, distal portion of adenohypophysis, duodenum, epiglottis, esophagus, external nostril, gall bladder, head of pancreas, herniated small intestine, incisive foramen, inferior parathyroid gland, internal nostril, lesser curvature of stomach, liver outline, lower secondary bronchus, lung, mesonephric duct, nasal cavity (nasal sac), nasopharynx, neurohypophysis, olfactory bulb, opening of auditory tube, optic nerve (CN II), oral cavity, palatine fossa, premaxillary primary palate, rectum, right hepatic duct, secondary palate, spleen, superior parathyroid gland, tail of pancreas, thymus gland, thyroid cartilage, thyroid gland, tongue, trachea, tuberal part of adenohypophysis, umbilical cord, ureter, urorectal septum
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.