A section through the external nostrils, premaxillary palate, larynx and C-3 spinal ganglion.
1. Epithelial plugs in the external nostrils.
2. The well-developed tongue muscles and the hypoglossal nerve.
3. The submandibular duct, gland and ganglion.
4. The arytenoid and thyroid cartilages of the larynx and the greater horn and body of the hyoid apparatus.
5. The dorsal and ventral primary rami of a spinal nerve.
Keywords: C-2 neural arch, C-3 spinal ganglion, arytenoid cartilage, body of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage), common carotid artery, digastric tendon, dorsal median septum, dorsal primary ramus, epithelial plug in external nostril, genioglossus muscle, geniohyoid muscle, greater horn of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage), horizontal muscle, hyoglossus muscle, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), inferior alveolar nerve, inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, laryngeal orifice, laryngeal pharynx, mandible, oral cavity, pharyngeal arch 1 cartilage (Meckel), platysma, premaxillary primary palate, retropharyngeal space, secondary palate, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), submandibular duct, submandibular ganglion, submandibular gland, sympathetic trunk, thyroid cartilage, vagus nerve (CN X), ventral primary ramus, vertebral artery
Source: Atlas of Human Embryos.