caudal eminence,
caudal intestinal portal,
cephalic intestinal portal,
connecting stalk,
cut edge of amnion,
cut edge of umbilical vesicle,
gastrulation (primitive) groove,
head fold region,
isthmus of rhombencephalon,
mesencephalon primordium (M),
midgut endoderm,
neural cord,
neural fold,
neural groove,
neural plate,
notochordal (primitive) pit,
notochordal plate,
notochordal plate (in midline),
pharyngeal arch 1,
pharyngeal groove 1,
primordial otic placode,
primordial stomodeum,
prosencephalon primordium (P),
rhombencephalon primordium (R),
right neural plate,
somite 2 (deep to surface ectoderm),
somite 3 (deep to endoderm),
somitocoel 4,
spinal cord primordium,
surface ectoderm (one-layered epithelium),
tail fold region,
umbilical vesicle wall endoderm
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.