attachment of optic stalk to diencephalon: Atlas Fig. 7-12-13
basal plate of caudal part of diencephalon: 21-81
diencephalon: 13-96, 13-97, 13-98, 13-99, 14-253, 14-263, 14-269, 14-300, 15-152, 15-180, 16-247, 16-251, 16-255, 16-259, 16-271, 16-299, 16-303, 16-311, 16-355, 16-367, 16-375, 16-383, 16-387, 16-395, 17-266, 17-343, 17-391, 18-166, 18-171, 18-183, 18-188, 18-194, 18-226, 18-267, 19-219, 20-67, 20-69, 20-103, 21-87, 22-337, 22-374, 22-410, 22-469, 23-14, 23-15, 23-17, 23-18, 23-19, 23-20, Fig. 14-10, Fig. 16-4, Movie 14-5, Movie 14-6, Movie 16-11, Movie 17-5, Movie 17-6, Movie 20-12, Movie 22-8, Atlas 5-2, Atlas 5-8, Atlas 6-2, Atlas 6-3, Atlas 6-7, Atlas 7-2, Atlas 7-8, Atlas 8-2, Atlas Fig. 5-1b, Atlas Fig. 6-1b, Atlas Fig. 6-9-7, Atlas Fig. 6-13-15, Atlas Fig. 7-1b, Atlas Fig. 7-10-9, Atlas Fig. 8-1b
caudal edge of: 21-81
fiber tract: 21-119
floor of: 20-93
mamillary region, edge of
edge of: 15-140
mamillary region of: 16-239
marginal zone of: 16-323
roof plate of: 19-254, 19-274, 19-296, 19-317, 19-338, 19-345, 19-366, 21-83, 21-87, 21-93, 21-99, 21-115, 21-119, 21-121, 21-127, 21-137, 22-422, 22-460, 22-482, 22-493, 22-542, 22-600, 22-609, 22-620, 22-639, 22-669
primordial: Movie 10-1
diencephalon (D2): 12-36, 12-39, 12-42, 12-45, 12-48, 12-51, 12-54, 12-57, 12-60, 12-63, 12-66, 12-69
primordial: Movie 10-1
diencephalon and mesencephalon junction 3rd ventricle: Atlas Fig. 6-9-7
diencephalon hypothalamus: Atlas Fig. 7-8-6
dorsal thalamus (diencephalon): 13-78, 13-79, 13-80, 13-81, 13-82, 13-83, 13-84, 13-85, 13-86, Atlas Fig. 8-3-2, Atlas Fig. 8-4-3
floor plate [diencephalon (D2)]: 11-46
hypothalamus (diencephalon): 19-328, Atlas Fig. 8-4-3
junction of cerebral vesicle and diencephalon: Atlas Fig. 7-10-9
junction of diencephalon and telencephalon: 16-395, Atlas Fig. 6-13-15
junction of optic stalk and diencephalon: Atlas Fig. 7-11-12
left neural fold (primordial diencephalon)
mamillary area of diencephalon: Atlas Fig. 6-8-6
mamillary recess: 13-73, 13-74, 13-75, 13-76, 13-77, 14-263, 14-269, 16-247, 16-259, 17-253, 18-177, 19-219, 19-226, 22-469, 23-35, Fig. 13-19, Fig. 14-9, Fig. 17-6, Atlas 6-2, Atlas Fig. 6-9-7
edge of: 13-72
medial ventricular eminence (diencephalon): 20-115, 20-117, 20-119, 20-121, 20-123, 20-125, 20-127, 20-129, 20-131, 20-135, 20-137, 21-129, 21-131, 21-133, 21-135, 21-137, 21-139, 21-141, 22-719, 22-739, 22-749, 22-759, 23-39, 23-45, 23-46, 23-48, 23-49, 23-51, 23-54, 23-56, 23-58
neural fold [diencephalon (D1)]: 11-10, 11-13, 11-16, 11-19, 11-22, 11-25, 11-28, 11-34, 11-37, 11-40, 11-44, 11-49, 11-52
cephalic part of: 11-16
left: 11-7, Movie 11-1
cephalic edge of: 11-4
right: Movie 11-1
cephalic edge of: 11-13
neural fold [diencephalon (D2)]: 11-7, 11-10, 11-13, 11-16, 11-19, 11-22, 11-25, 11-28, 11-34, 11-37, 11-40
floor plate of: 11-44
right, cephalic edge of: 11-13
optic nerve primordium (CN II) [primordial diencephalon (D1)]: 10-20
posterior commissure (diencephalon): 22-313
roof of diencephalon (epithalamus): Atlas Fig. 8-3-1
transition region between telencephalon and diencephalon: 16-383
ventral thalamus (diencephalon): 13-78, 13-79, 13-80, 13-81, 13-82, 13-100, 13-101, 13-102, 13-103, 13-104, 13-105, 13-106, 19-328, Atlas Fig. 8-4-3
Your search found 57 terms, 202 serial sections, 5 figures, 11 movies, 8 atlas entries, 14 atlas figures.