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chorionic cavity (extra-embryonic coelom or exocoelom): 7-1, 7-2, 7-3
communication between coelom and extraembryonic coelom: Atlas Fig. 5-18-26, Atlas Fig. 5-19-28
communication between coelomic cavity and extra-embryonic coelom: 13-152, 13-155, 13-158, Atlas Fig. 4-9-17, Atlas Fig. 4-10-19


edge of: 8-193
extraembryonic coelom: Atlas Fig. 5-20-30
extra-embryonic coelom (exocoelom): 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5
Your search found 7 terms, 75 serial sections, 6 figures, 5 atlas entries, 15 atlas figures.