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basal plate of myelencephalon: 17-116, 19-107, 19-114


edge of myelencephalon (medulla oblongata): Atlas Fig. 7-7-4


junction of metencephalon and myelencephalon: 18-221
junction of myelencephalon and spinal cord: Atlas Fig. 6-9-7, Atlas Fig. 7-10-9


medulla oblongata (myelencephalon): Atlas Fig. 8-5-5
metencephalon and myelencephalon junction: Atlas Fig. 7-9-7, Atlas Fig. 7-9-8
cephalic edge of: 19-51
caudal part of: 14-196
central canal of: 16-183, 16-199, 16-203, 16-231, 16-247, 21-101, 21-117
edge of: 17-7, 21-73, 22-349
floor plate of
decussation in: 19-191, 21-97, 21-99, 21-103, 21-107
myelencephalon (caudal part of rhombencephalon): 14-136
myelencephalon (rhombencephalon): Fig. 16-4, Atlas Fig. 6-1b
myelencephalon (rhombomere D): 14-91, 14-146
caudal part of: 14-82
myelencephalon alar plate (dorsolateral): Atlas Fig. 6-6-2
Your search found 23 terms, 131 serial sections, 2 figures, 11 movies, 6 atlas entries, 14 atlas figures.