proximal limb of herniated midgut: 16-761, 16-765, 16-769, 16-773, 16-785, 16-789, 16-797, 16-801, 16-805, 16-809, 16-811, 16-815, 17-793, 17-805, 17-810, 17-816, 17-1001, 18-637, 18-641, 18-648, 18-653, 18-665, 19-726, 19-734, 19-743, 19-752, 19-761, 19-770, 19-779, 19-788, 19-797, 20-301, 20-303, 20-305, 20-307, 20-309, 20-311, 20-313, 20-315, 20-317, 20-319, 20-321, 20-323, 20-325, 20-327, 20-329, 20-331, 20-333, 21-269, 21-271, 21-273, 21-275, 21-277, 21-279, 21-281, 21-283, 21-285, 21-287, 21-289, 21-291, 21-293, 21-295, 21-297, 21-299, 21-301, 21-303, 21-305, 21-307, 21-309, 21-311, 21-313, 21-315, 21-317, 21-319, 21-323, 22-1519, 22-1529, 22-1539, 22-1549, 22-1559, 22-1569, 22-1579, 22-1590, 22-1599, 22-1619, 22-1629, 22-1639, 22-1649, 22-1660, 22-1669, 22-1679, 22-1691, 22-1699, 22-1720, 22-1739, 22-1749, 22-1759, 22-1769, 22-1779
condensation in wall of: 18-659
endoderm: 16-819
proximal limb of herniated midgut (jejunum): 18-648
Your search found 6 terms, 106 serial sections.