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communication of notochordal canal and umbilical vesicle cavity: Atlas Fig. 3-4-4


junction of allantoic diverticulum and umbilical vesicle wall: 7-93, 7-94, 7-96
junction of amnion and umbilical vesicle: 9-1, 12-207, 12-210
junction of intestine and umbilical vesicle (yolk) stalk: Fig. 13-20
junction of mesenchyme in connecting stalk and umbilical vesicle wall: 7-90, 7-91
junction of midgut and umbilical vesicle wall: 12-240
junction of septum transversum and umbilical vesicle: 12-225, 12-228


maternal blood cells in primary umbilical vesicle cavity: 5b-20, 5b-21, 5b-26, 5b-27, 5b-28, 5b-30, 5b-32, 5b-33, 5b-34, 5b-35, 5b-36, 5b-37, 5b-46, 5b-47, 5b-48, 5b-54, 5b-55, 5b-56, 5b-57, 5b-58


angioblastic tissue: 9-36
attachment: 8-83, 9-16, 9-20, 9-40, 9-50, 9-69, 9-70, 9-74, 9-90, 9-93, 9-94, 9-96, 9-97, 9-99
caudal end of: Fig. 7-29
caudal edge of: 7-94, 8-203
caudal part of: 7-90, 7-91, 7-92, 7-93, 9-102, 9-103, 11-289, 11-301, 11-307, 11-313
cephalic edge of: 7-27, 7-28, 7-29, 8-7, 9-1
cephalic part of: 9-2
junction with allantoic diverticulum: 8-197
external coat: Fig. 6-5
hemangiogenesis: 8-89, 8-129, 8-133, 8-173, 8-196
primary: Fig. 5c-9
stalk: 12-246, 12-249
primitive: Fig. 6-10
mesoblasts in caudal wall of: 6-50, 7-99, 7-100
process: 6-22, 6-28, 6-37, 6-38, 6-42
roof of: Movie 6-1
wall: 6-4, 6-6, Movie 6-1
edge of: 21-293
lumen: 11-151
remnant: 15-350, 15-381, 15-389
rostral edge of: 13-152
attachment: Movie 11-1
blood vessel in: 8-175
caudal part of: 7-95, 7-96, 7-97, 7-98
cephalic edge of: 8-1
continuity of: 8-19
cut edge of: Movie 8-1
cut tangentially: 8-185
cyst in: 7-60, 7-61, 7-62
edge of: 8-3, 8-183
two-layered: 7-33, 7-34, 7-35
umbilical venous plexus in: 12-267, 12-270
Your search found 55 terms, 365 serial sections, 28 figures, 10 movies, 14 atlas entries, 32 atlas figures.