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Carnegie Embryo #6502 | Location: 10-02-02
Keywords: cephalic edge of C-1 spinal ganglion, edge of metencephalon, inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), junction of brain and spinal cord, junction of primary head vein and stem of anterior dural venous plexus, mesencephalon (M2), mesencoel (cerebral aqueduct), neural canal, pharyngeal arch 1, pharyngeal arch 2, pharyngeal groove 1, posterior cerebral artery, primary head vein, region of cervical flexure, region of mesencephalic (cephalic) flexure, trigeminal ganglion (CN V), unfused basilar artery, vertebral artery
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.