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Carnegie Embryo #6502 | Location: 27-05-01
Keywords: C-8 spinal ganglion, amnion on surface of umbilical cord, bile duct, caudal eminence, coccygeal somites, common umbilical vein, dorsal mesentery, hepatic duct(s), hepatic sinusoid, intermediate zone, junction of ductus venosus and left umbilical vein, junction of duodenum and stomach, junction of umbilical cord and ventral body wall, left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, lesser sac, marginal zone, mesonephric duct, mesonephric tubule(s), neural canal, neural tube, peritoneal cavity, post anal gut, right umbilical artery, septum transversum, umbilical coelom, umbilical cord, upper limb, ventricular zone
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.