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Carnegie Embryo #6517 | Location: 11-04-05
Keywords: alar plate(s), basal plate, basilar artery, cephalic edge of C-1 spinal ganglion, cochlear part of otic vesicle, cochlear part of vestibulocochlear ganglion (CN VIII), floor plate, geniculate ganglion (CN VII), hypothalamus, median sulcus, median sulcus in floor of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle), median sulcus in floor of third ventricle, mesencephalon (M1), mesencoel (cerebral aqueduct), metencephalon, motor root of trigeminal nerve (CN V), oculomotor nerve (CN III), parachordal condensation, pons region (metencephalon), primary head vein, roof plate, subthalamus, sulcus limitans, third ventricle, trochlear nerve (CN IV)
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.