![C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, bilobed thyroid gland, central canal, cervical fold, cervical sinus, diencephalon, edge of cerebral vesicle(s), edge of optic stalk (CN II), epithalamus, horn of aortic sac, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), laryngeal condensation, lateral lingual swelling of tongue, lateral part of thyroid gland, myotome, optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate), optic cup cavity, oronasal cavity, pineal bud, precardinal vein, primordial meninx, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), sternocleidomastoid / trapezius premuscle mass, third ventricle](/drem/stage16/Z0/S367N.jpg)
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Carnegie Embryo #6517 | Location: 16-02-01
Keywords: C-3 spinal ganglion, aortic arch 4, bilobed thyroid gland, central canal, cervical fold, cervical sinus, diencephalon, edge of cerebral vesicle(s), edge of optic stalk (CN II), epithalamus, horn of aortic sac, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), laryngeal condensation, lateral lingual swelling of tongue, lateral part of thyroid gland, myotome, optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate), optic cup cavity, oronasal cavity, pineal bud, precardinal vein, primordial meninx, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), sternocleidomastoid / trapezius premuscle mass, third ventricle
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.