![C-7 spinal ganglion, bifurcation of common carotid artery, chin, clavicle, dorsum of hand, edge of radius, epithelial plug in naris, internal jugular vein, jugular lymph sac, left lobe of thymus gland, muscular layer of esophagus, neck of humerus, notochord, primary palate, right subclavian artery, subarachnoid space, trachea, upper limb, upper lip](/drem/stage20/Z0/S197N.jpg)
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Carnegie Embryo #462 | Location: 5-01-05
Keywords: C-7 spinal ganglion, bifurcation of common carotid artery, chin, clavicle, dorsum of hand, edge of radius, epithelial plug in naris, internal jugular vein, jugular lymph sac, left lobe of thymus gland, muscular layer of esophagus, neck of humerus, notochord, primary palate, right subclavian artery, subarachnoid space, trachea, upper limb, upper lip
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.