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Carnegie Embryo #6517 | Location: 17-04-03
Keywords: C-4 spinal ganglion, anterior cerebral artery, ascending aorta, caudal edge of ultimopharyngeal pouch, central canal, cerebral vesicle (telencephalon), cervical plexus, dorsal aorta, esophagus, infrahyoid premuscle mass, intermaxillary segment, lamina terminalis, lateral ventricle, left atrium, lumen of nasal sac, maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, medial nasal prominence(s), nasal capsule, precardinal vein, right atrium, roof of third ventricle, third ventricle, trachea, vagus nerve (CN X), wall of truncus arteriosus (distal outflow tract)
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.