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Boyd Embryo #H983 | Location: 87-1-1
Keywords: C-7 / T-1 intervertebral disc, C-8 spinal ganglion, C-8 spinal nerve, anterior belly of digastric muscle, axillary artery, axillary nerve, cerebral vesicle (hemisphere), clavicle, dorsal horn of grey matter, dorsal median septum, inferior nasal concha, internal jugular vein, junction of nasal septum and palatine shelf, left common carotid artery, lens, lower eyelid, mandible, middle trunk of brachial plexus (C-7), musculocutaneous nerve, mylohyoid muscle, nasal septal cartilage, palatine shelf, right brachiocephalic vein, scapula, sternohyoid muscle, sternothyroid muscle, subarachnoid space, sympathetic trunk, trachea, upper eyelid, vagus nerve (CN X), ventral horn of grey matter
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.