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Carnegie Embryo #4090 | Location: 9-9
Keywords: C-2 spinal ganglion, anterior cerebral artery, basi-occipital (basal plate), body of sphenoid, caudal edge of cranial cavity, central canal, cephalic edge of dens of C-2 vertebra (axis), cervical plexus, chorda tympani nerve, cochlear duct, falx cerebri region, hypoglossal canal, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), internal carotid artery, lateral ventricle, mandibular nerve (CN V₃), maxillary nerve (CN V₂), ophthalmic nerve (CN V₁), optic chiasma (chiasmatic plate), orbitosphenoid, subarachnoid space, third ventricle
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.